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      What is next for Texas Wind Energy?

The development of new carbon fiber blades have proven to be a more effective alternative to traditional blades. This stronger, lighter, and cheaper material opens a whole new door when it comes to blade size and design.  With this new innovation blades can be made bigger and will then generate more energy than ever before. Studies have shown that these new blades have the potential to generate 8 to 10 more megawatts then previous blades. Along with being stronger, cheaper, lighter, bigger, and more energy effective the new carbon fiber blades design will prove to be more visually appealing than past blades.   

Over the last couple of years wind energy has played a major role not only in Texas energy production, but energy production around the world. Although wind energy has had a great increase over the last couple of years there is still room for improvement. New technological developments are being made to help take wind energy to the next level. Some of which could revolutionize Texas wind energy as we know it.

New Turbine Blades

With Texas having over 300 miles of coast line it is no surprise that offshore wind turbines are going to play a huge role in the future of Texas wind energy. The ocean is home to not only higher wind speeds but also more uniformal wind paterns. This will increase wind energy along with making it a more reliable source. New technology now allows for bigger, stronger offshore wind turbines which gives wind turbines the ability to exist in deeper, more active waters. One of the newest development in offshore wind energy is the floating turbine which has a unique ability to adapt to its marine environment.


Offshore Wind Turbines

Portable Wind Turbines

When most people think of wind turbines they think of giant metal machines. However, many engineers are now working on ways to decrease the size of wind turbines and make them portable. Although this is a fairly new idea it has potential to change our perception of wind energy. These turbine being smaller in size would decrease the energy output but would bring them to the everyday households. At the early stages of research they have already shown the ability to capture enough energy to charge a cell phone and run other small electronics but they hope the research leads to the ability to run larger and more energy dependant appliances.

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